

Babies and Toddlers

  • Encourage safe exploration of their environment.  Children 9m and up are eager to be on the move.  Let them.
  • Get babies and toddlers outside for walks.  Very young children love being outside in any shape or form and this improves their coordination as they walk on uneven ground outside.
  • Play outside with balls, bats, raquets to begin hand-eye coordination development and it's just plain fun. 
  • Mommy/Daddy and baby movement and music classes are great options for a fun and bonding experience. 

Ages 4-8y

  • Explore different physical activities and sports; There is time as kids mature to begin focusing on one sport/activity.
  • Need to be active 2-3x daily.  Research shows that children who stay physically active learn better and retain information more consistently.
  • Be outside for at least 30 minutes daily.  Nature exposure is important for mental health and improves focus and the ability to learn.

Ages 9-12y

  • Stay active for about 1 hour daily of moderate intensity excercise.
  • Similar to younger children, outdoor exposure improves fitness, learning and is important for mental health
  • Monitor for overuse injuries - encourage stretching especially before and after sports.

Ages 13-18y

  • Use excercise as a way to manage stress - yoga, karate, stretching and sports.
  • Hydrate well before, during and after physical activity.
  • Monitor for overuse injuries and treat quickly to prevent more permanent injury/inflammation. 
  • In this age group, kids often will identify their sport(s) of choice.  Encourage good form, work with the trainer when needed and be engaged with the coaches to know what is happening with your child.  Be respectful of the coaches and their decisions.  These are important years to learn competitive skills but overzealous competition can lead to stress, burnout and ultimately, giving up on a particular activity.
  • This age group needs nature just as much as their younger counterparts but their time is more limited.  Encourage outdoor activity daily if possible but at least 3x weekly.  Maybe this becomes a part of a family routine and your young teen stays involved for family walks, hikes, etc.